About Us.
God has called us to take part in His Micro-Church Movement, and we desire to fulfill this call. He is calling us to be willing to leave the larger traditional church setting (the 99), to find the one(s) that may come to a smaller private setting if they are invited(Luke 15:1-6). They are the ones who are not going to go to a traditional church for their own personal reasons. The Micro-Churches of The Well-Cleveland may meet through small relational groups for a church service in various locations. Those small groups may also gather in a common area corporately together for a church service.
We are called to the community of Cleveland, Ohio. To be the hands and feet of Jesus by bringing His Good News of His gift of Salvation to all, bringing His Love, and bringing Hope in a new future all through Him. Once His Good News is known, the Holy Spirit compels us to tell others. The Lord desires for everyone to be reached through the Great Commission, and everyone is called to be part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). That is where discipling, with the desire to be sent off to tell others, comes in. We grow close in relationship to Him when we ask him into our heart, and we learn more about Him.
God loves everyone, and wants everyone to know there is hope through His son, Jesus Christ, and through repentance(telling him you are sorry for your sins, and turning from those ways)(John3:16). But to reach EVERYONE, some have to be reached in an untraditional way. Like Jesus did with The Woman at the Well.
“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’.”
– John 4:13-14
Our Vision.
To share the Good News.
To go and make Disciples.